Innlandet Hospital Trust

Innlandet Hospital Trust is one of Norway's largest hospitals, providing professional services in the field of healthcare, with roughly 9000 employees. Our total geographical areas of activity is larger than Denmark!

​While working for us, you will encounter many different challenges, both big and small, that will allow you to test your skills in your daily practice. We are always looking for bright minds and skilled professionals.

We hope to use your knowledge to achieve our vision of providing excellent and equal health-care services to all who need them, when they need them – regardless of age, address, ethnicity, gender or position.

We want to create a workplace where employees enjoy their jobs and place of work – one with a focus on professional growth and development.


Vår besøkstid

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A group of buildings

Sykehuset i Gjøvik

Kyrre Grepps gate 11

2819 Gjøvik